Friday, April 10, 2009

LOVE is it so ?????????

Is love so magical that a person feels he's completely taken aback by it........this is what I feel love is.......
  • Love is something u see in their eyes and begin to trust them instantly.
  • Love is a feeling which makes you love yourself.
  • Love is a reason for you to be happy.
  • Love is a dream which you want to come true.
  • Love is beauty, its makes the world more beautiful.
  • Love is when you start loving the idea of being in love itself.
  • Love is an aroma in which you would want to get mixed.
  • Love is an intoxication, you are high even without boozing.
  • Love is a music which doesn't require any orchestra, it plays where ever you are.
  • Love is something for which you would love to die.
  • Love is a game in which you would do anything to win.
  • Love is when you don't give a damn to your ego.
  • Love is when you feel you don't have anything else to do, except, to love.
  • Love is when you start seeing yourself in them.
  • Love is like the sound of water flowing through the streams, its just so pure and gentle to listen.
  • Love is like the rainbow, it sprouts up when a big fight is followed up by a silly laughter.
  • Love is like a splash of water, you just love it when every droplet falls on you.
  • Love is like the silent night, you stare at it continuously asking for your answers but you don't get one.
  • Love is a wish which you always ask in your prayers.
  • Love is a poem, you struggle for words to make it rhyme in the right way.
  • Love is pain, but you would have never loved to be in pain ever before.
  • Love is like the first rain of monsoon, you wait to get wet with it.
  • Love is when you find it so hard so to say something to someone.
  • Love is all when you actually feel you don't know whats happening to you.

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